
Bee Removal

Swarm and Relocation Services

Personal Beehive Management Services

Local and Migratory Hive Management Services

Equipment and Yard Maintenance

Splits and Transfers

Nuc Sales Year Round

Mated Queens and Queen Cells
Call for pricing and availability
Orders should be placed 10-14 days in advance of date required.
Pickup, overnight air mail, delivery options available

Pest and Disease Monitoring
Servey and Sampling Services
Pest and Pathogen Testing
State and National Survey Programs
Honey Bee Research Programs

Consultation Services
Seasonal and Year Long Bee Yard Rentals
Loading Yard Rentals
Relocation and Trucking Services
Personalized Apiary Assessment and Action Management Plans
Liason for State Inspection and Permitting Services
Data Management and Analysis
Yard Scouting

Brokering Services
Pollination - Bee Hives - Equipment - Honey

Education and Outreach Services
School and Educational Club Presentations
Pest and Pathogen Management Classes
Classes and Programs for New BeeKeepers
Pollinator Conservation Programs

Based in Sunny Fort Pierce, Florida.
Serving Florida and beyond. Hablo espaņol